Wednesday, September 4, 2013


To update you, we have been really busy, especially since returning to our classrooms after summer break. The first week back is always the busiest and most energy draining time of the year (for all you teachers out there, we feel you!). Both of us have been completely exhausted everyday the past week and a half. Once we get back into a routine, we'll be able to get a lot of the little things done.  Things like getting our fingers printed, completing our autobiographies for our social worker, and getting everything in order for our home study.

Some of you have asked, what exactly is a home study? We learn as we go... 

The home study is a detailed report of .. our lives (basically!) and prepared by an assigned social worker. The entire process can take anywhere from three to six months to complete. The home study requires prospective families like us to compile a bunch of documents, answer questions, and explore our reasons for adopting. Through a series of visits and interviews, the social worker can get a complete picture of who we are and what life is like in the Sipek zoo. So, let's get down to the nitty and gritty... the home study includes:

Autobiography/Family Background: We will have to talk about our family (past and present), how we both perceive discipline, memories from our awesome childhood, etc. We've had discussions about the topic of discipline and it was interesting because we've definitely learned a lot about each other as soon-to-be-parents.  (The same applies to couples who are going through pregnancy.. what types of discipline will be used or not?)

Neighborhood/Community/Schools: Oh yeah, these are also topics we have to discuss with the social worker by explaining what our home community and school system is like. Questions like, "Which school will our child(ren) attend? Are we buddy-buddy with our neighbors? What resources does our community offer to help us parent our soon-to-be adopted child(ren)?" We are sure that we will have everything covered .. but whew...

Physical Health: We have to see our family doctor to give our social worker the green light that we are in excellent health! We cannot have serious health issues that may impede our life expectancy... because, of course, it is preferential that our child(ren) not be left parent-less again! And a bunch of shots, too. How fun.

Financial Statements: This is everyone's favorite part. Who doesn't like to talk about finances? Ha, not everyone, actually. Not us. However, as expected, we are to show that we are able to care for a child with our current income. We'll have to show our pay stubs, income tax returns, debts, savings, insurance coverages, mortgage, life insurance, and that secret money tree in our backyard, blah blah blah.

Criminal Clearances: We will pass this with flying colors! We both are teachers and work very closely with children. Ah, piece of cake! Next!

References: This is interesting. We'll have to ask three family members/close friends to write letters to our social worker about how awesome we are with children and their perceptions on our marriage... but mainly to see how we would be as parents. One only has to look at our happy trio of dogs to see that we'll be awesome parents! 

Interviews: The scariest part. The social worker will put us under those bright interrogation lights asking difficult questions- this will happen with us together and as individuals. This part will be more of a review of our autobiographies, a follow-up of our home walk-through to ensure safety (fire evacuation plans, child safety equipment, etc.), and showing where our child(ren)'s bedroom will be - right next to ours.

This home study process should be a smooth, but lengthy ride for us. We are looking forward to completing this part of the adoption process and moving on to the next.

Last, BUT NOT LEAST, we want to give love to one of our greatest friends, Tate Tullier and his wife, Sarah, for doing these fun adoption photos. We are excited to share the pictures, but here is one of the photos.. for now!
Much love, 
Brooke & Brian  


  1. Hi Brooke and Brian- This is a fun blog to read and I look forward to you guys bringing your little Sipek home one day. Best wishes on the fundraisers- great job! I will be happy to jump in and contribute at one point soon. :::Hex

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