Thursday, June 18, 2015

::T minus four weeks!::

Yes, we are still alive and... BUSY! 

In our defense, spring semester has always been the busiest time of the year for teachers so that was what kept us occupied! We both had a lot more on our plates and have been in this crazy nesting mode at home, too. Brian had to paint the nursery room and the guest room as well. New carpet installed in all three bedrooms upstairs. Everything in the nursery room is crisp and fresh! New crib. Awesome wall decors. Baby spit-proof rug. Adorable bedding. Artsy geometric baby mobile. Everything else cute and adorable! Here's a quick preview of our nursery room...

We are ready for our little one to arrive in four weeks! We are very excited....and nervous.
Brooke will be 36 weeks this Saturday (which is the size of a big coconut). Her bump is growing every week and Baby Sipek has been moving a lot in her stomach! It's fun to watch, especially when Brooke's belly is making waves! We think of the scene from a movie, Alien, when the creature explodes out of the guy's stomach! However, we are quite positive that little Peanut will be a million times cuter and adorable. :) 

We still do not know the sex of the baby and we will not know until birth. YAY, we made it this far with our patience and willpower not to find out sooner! (pats our back) Brooke has this strong vibe that baby Sipek will be a girl while Brian thinks otherwise. We ought to make bets. :) Here are a few pictures of The Majestic Sipek Bump below:

Baby Sipek is the size of a cauliflower at 25 weeks!

Pregnancy cravings? Naw, Brooke doesn't really have any wacky pregnancy cravings like pickles, banana sandwiches with mayonnaise, honey dipped Reese cups (that one actually sounded somewhat appealing), bananas dipped in ketchup... naw, none of these! A bowl of plain ol' Cheerios with sliced bananas or blueberries is sufficient! And pizza. Who doesn't like pizza, though? We suspect that Baby Sipek would prefer pizza over milk at birth. :) We heard some crazy things like some pregnant ladies seriously craved for dirt, dust, toothpaste, or chalk. We do not know who those people are. 
Brooke's first trimester was nearly a total bliss with snooze-fests! No ongoing morning sickness until when the second trimester first arrived- Brooke made good friends with the porcelain throne for a couple of weeks. Then they decided to end the friendship, thankfully. After that, Brooke was feeling much better! Energy level skyrocketed! Boom! :) Third trimester has been good to Brooke. Although, she has been suffering bad acid reflux/heart burn since day one. Some have suggested that it means we will have a baby born with head full of hair.... Old wives tale, probably. We will see!  Brooke is still active and doing a lot things around the house and during the summer program at school for toddlers. So far so good. We will have our hospital tour tomorrow to check out the labor/delivery room... oh my, things are starting to feel very real! Eeeeeee.

We will have our final sonogram next Monday to see our little Sipek once more before  D-Day arrives! EDD: 07.18.15.

We have been reading some pregnancy advices, stories, tips, and articles to "best" prepare us for parenthood. We know there will be some... maybe more than several unexpected surprises.  We are confident that we would make a good team to tackle 'em! Well, we have to. However, Brian is automatically assigned to change 'em diapers. 

All is good. 

We will keep you posted with anything new! 

P.S. We are still keeping our eyes on available orphans in China for adoption... right now, we cannot really do much until after our baby's delivery. We cannot wait. 

Much love, 
Brooke, Brian, & (Tiny Sipek in the making)