Sunday, September 28, 2014

::Donated Auction Items NEEDED::

Homemakers, Etsy shop owners, crafters, boutiques, store companies.....
Interested in helping? We are currently seeking for donated auction items and if you are interested in being a part of this amazing story, feel free to e-mail me at with the following info: image of item, item description (with measurements if applicable), retail value, and your shop details so we can share the love! Gift cards are also acceptable! 

Once we gather enough auction items, we will announce and post the date of our "Adopting A Sipek Online Auction" on Facebook. :)

We will be sending out our adoption donation request letters to stores/boutiques to see if they will be willing to provide assistance as well! Wish us luck! 

Thank you! 
Brooke & Brian

Saturday, September 27, 2014

::In time, all things will fall right in place::

It has been over two months since we have updated our blog......
So, here's a long overdue post. 

Many things have happened. Here's our quick recap: we had our family vacation in New Smyrna Beach earlier in August (we had a grand time there!); Brooke started her coaching position for high school volleyball team (she loves it); Brooke took a trip to the emergency room due to health complications (she's perfectly well now); both of us returned to work when school started (busy bees, we are).  

Eventually, we got asked to do an interview for DeafNation 360 News with Joel Barish to discuss our adoption process with another couple who have adopted two deaf children from China. It was nice meeting the adoptive couple and we learned about their success and struggles on their adoption journey!

You can check out the video on  (Captioning is available)

Update: our Colombia T-shirt fundraiser turned out well! We raised a total of $324.76 towards our adoption! Again, many thanks for those who purchased and supported our adoption. We loved how our friends posted pictures of them wearing the special tees... keep 'em coming please! :)

Now, what else.. 

Ah, yes, we do have something to share, but... (yes, there's a "but") 

We cannot have high hopes. We are TRYING not to. It is highly possible that we may have found our child.....a little deaf boy in Bogota. His birthday is today. He's two now. We only have one picture of him (certainly waiting for more!!). He's such a cutie. He is currently in a foster family right now and we received his file two weeks ago. We have been waiting to get further information on his medical background. So far, everything else has checked out except for one pending information. We have to be patient. Our agency says that if we are 100% matched with this child, then our next immediate step is to send a LOI (letter of intent) to confirm that we want to adopt this boy. 

We have to wait and be patient. One day at a time. Things will fall right in place if it's meant to be. 

We'll keep you posted once more information comes in.. for now, keep us in your thoughts.

-Brooke & Brian