Thursday, February 20, 2014

::Guest Post: Brandi Rarus on Finding Zoe::

Here's our first guest post about a Deaf woman, Brandi Rarus whom is also an adoptive mother and wrote a memoir on her adoption journey when she adopted her daughter, Zoe.  Her book, "Finding Zoe" is scheduled to release this fall. Congratulations, Brandi! We will buy the book once it releases! :)

Brooke speaking: 
A quick background about how I met Zoe (and her mother, Brandi)-- when I started as a first year second grade teacher, Zoe was student of mine. Zoe is a funny individual with spunk and a heavy dose of cuteness! I found out that Zoe was adopted when she mentioned in a class discussion that she has a mother (adoptive mom, Brandi) and "Aunt Jess" (biological mother)- she was very open about her adoption story. For clarification purposes, Zoe's adoption is open.  Brandi and Zoe both have a relationship with both of Zoe's birth parents.  This is something that Brandi choose to do when she adopted Zoe. Open adoption is much more possible in domestic adoptions and very rare for international.  Brandi always says it is a "personal choice," and she believed this was the right one for Zoe and Zoe's birth parents.  I found the whole idea truly fascinating and touching to the point where I kept the possibility of adopting in the back of my head. I don't think Zoe realizes that she made a significant influence on my perspective on adoption. :)

Fast forward several months later, Brandi and I met up at a coffee shop to discuss the adoption route and what her and Tim's journey was like. Brandi is an exceptionally easy person to chat with and she was open and honest about the whole adoption experience. Thus, it inspired me to seriously consider the next step: to adopt. The following year, there was another student in my class who was adopted as well. Signs of adoption everywhere! :)

We just wanted to share this post with our readers so you can all learn more about open adoptions via her blog at  

We are truly blessed with Brandi and Tim Rarus' ongoing support.  It is encouraging to know that there are people who have been where we are and can relate to our experiences.  Brandi and Tim, thank you for your continued wisdom and guidance while we navigate the ups and downs of adopting.

Brooke & Brian

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

::Money Buys Us Love!::

"Money can't buy you love....."

Talk about irony. In our case--yes, money buys us love. Who would've thought?!

Simply put, it costs money for us to get a little one to love. Yes, we believe the whole adoption system is quite broken with millions upon millions of orphans out there waiting for their forever homes yet there are a lot of families struggling to pay for the adoption (a strong emphasis on "ridiculously high") fees. This world would be much better with less homeless children by reducing the adoption fees.... oh, dare to dream!

Speaking of money.... some of you asked, "honestly, HOW can you guys afford? We'd like to adopt, too... but... seriously, money talks." We have to keep track of everything we spend and make more sacrifices. That includes evaluating our needs and wants again.... we just completely cut TV (not even just the basics) from our budget (but.. thanks to Hulu Plus to make this bearable), greatly reduced our spending and re-negotiated most of our bills/refinanced our house with lower interest and monthly payments. We've set up a savings account to pay the next big fat bill for our adoption out of our own pockets. Remember, this is only for a "season" and we have to examine what we can't and can do without. If we can do this, then you can too! :)

We stumbled across an interesting article about adoption fundraisers  (from Julie Gumm's website- like we earlier mentioned about reading her book "Adopt Without Debt") and it's a read-worthy article for those out there who are interested in starting the adoption process. We have been subscribing to her newsletter about successful adoption stories-- the plan is that, one day, we will be one of those successful families!

What's the next step for us? Brooke will start taking Lupron injections (once a month for 6 months) next week with norethindrone pills (once daily for 6 months) to "freeze" everything that is happening in her whole abdomen/uterus area with endometrial growth and estrogen horomones will be suspended temporarily, too.  Endometrosis grows in response to estrogen so Lupron's job is to suppress the hormones, which helps relieve the painful symptoms of endometriosis. Brooke's tailbone/coccyx pain hasn't reduced at all with Tramadol medicine, which led to making a decision of taking this next step: Lupron with norethindrone pills.  Hysterectomy is Brooke's last, last resort.  She went to see a different doctor for a second opinion- the doctor stated that she's too young to have a hysterectomy and too soon to have a second laproscopy. The doctor believes this method is ideal for where she is right now. Brooke is definitely not looking forward to the possible extreme (menopause-like) side effects, but is being hopeful for a.... comfortable experience, at least.  After 6 months of doing the treatment, the option of doing a second laproscopy would become ideal.  (Fingers crossed)

Other updates? We are planning to meet with our social worker again this Sunday for a quick review of our home study to make sure the final details are absolutely covered. We cannot afford any room of errors (which will prolong our adoption process with strict US and Colombian bureaucratic hurdles) or missing information. Our adoption agency reviewed our home study draft and wanted our social worker to go over a few things to elaborate on to be absolutely perfect!  Yes, the home study still hasn't been finalized- such a long process to undergo!

Updates on the boys? As of today, there is absolutely nothing to report-- we are totally in the dark. :( 

Updates on our adoption puzzle fundraiser? Yes, here's the picture of the puzzle progress:

Thank you so much for adopting a piece! :) This has been a fun process!
We are certain that our child(ren) will love seeing this completed puzzle up on their bedroom wall! 

PS- some of you donated via PayPal and we wanted to share that there are fees that get deducted from your donations if you use PayPal.  We will still give out the rounded-off amount for puzzle pieces but just wanted everyone to be aware that's been happening.  Thanks for all of your continued support!  Your support and following has fueled our drive to keep going through this long, LONG journey.

Much love, 
Brian & Brooke