Sunday, November 16, 2014

::outcome of our adoption auction::

We want to share with you all about the outcome of our adoption online auction via Facebook. We figured the auction would bring in about $900, but in our little dream world, we secretly hoped it would bring in closer to $1,500. :)

The grand total of the online auction was $1,697 including a few surprise donations! Far exceeding our expectation and our wildest dreams. We want to sincerely thank the bidders & winners for participating and supporting! The auction was fun and intense, especially in the final hour! We are fortunate to have incredibly generous people in our lives! It was an amazingly successful auction!

Of  course, we want to give SPECIAL THANKS for the donors' generous support and their willingness to be a part of our journey! 

Here is a list of awesome items that were auctioned off:
Since this was a huge success, we are seriously considering about possibly hosting some kind of an auction dinner in the spring. Meanwhile, we still have our on-going fundraiser via Brooke's Etsy shop which will continue to fund our adoption process. Last week, we received a letter from USCIS with their approval for us to adopt in Colombia! However, we still have to go through some changes if we are still interested in switching countries.  So. Much. Red. Tape!

We will blog again soon to show you the breakdown of the prices and funds that we have raised so far... and where we are right now with all of our expenses. 

Again, thank you for your generosity! We are humbled. :)

Much love, 
Brooke & Brian

Sunday, November 9, 2014

::World Adoption Day!::

Today is World Adoption Day.... the first ever worldwide celebration for adoption!
You can check it out at for further information. 
All over social media and anywhere else you choose to celebrate! Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Instagram, Pinteres, while shopping at the mall, or lounging on a lazy Sunday afternoon– anywhere you connect with people near or far. 

What can you do? 
Draw a smiley face on the palm of your hand, and share your love for adoption on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or Instagram. Tell the world why you think adoption is awesome! When you post, invite people to join us in celebrating #WorldAdoptionDay by: 

1. Tagging someone who has adopted, is adopted, or is adopting in the photo or link 

2. Posting an open hand smiley face selfie on exactly 11/09/14 using the hashtag #WorldAdoptionDay 

3. Make a #WorldAdoptionDay donation to a family who is in the adoption process 

(find us via Instagram at BrookeATX)
Brooke & Brian